BKS Iyengar workshop 28.3.24

“Yoga does not change the way we see things. It transform the person who sees.”

New studio in Albertslund! Yoga by Mikenta with plenty of great extras!

My new home is the truly, on of a kind space at Mikenta. Find time and join one of my classes! Mondays at 18:45 and Thursdays at 18:30. See you :)


New Year - New classes from January!

Yoga classes start from the 3rd of January 2022 (Terminalen event local: Korsdalsvej 107. Rødovre and Kongsager 35. Albertslund). Please, sign up via private message via Facebook or E-mail 3 hours prior to classes!

Add it to your New Years resolutions and get back in shape or maintain your health. Schedule coming asap - See you at class!

Namaste, Tamas

Life long learning

Special times need adaption. I chose to educate myself to get a better understanding in yoga anatomy. The results are serving every student of mine and make me happy :)

tamas yoga anatomy certificate.jpg